Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 11, 2011

Toasted Coconut Ice Cream

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There are times when I am suddenly quite susceptible to the power of suggestion. I get a bit caught off guard by it to tell you the truth. Perhaps I am just being lazy and lack the energy necessary to summon up creativity and initiative. You know, those essential elements required to come up with independent thoughts. Perhaps its just 'control fatigue' and I just need someone else to be in charge for awhile.
“So, what movie do you want to go see?”
“I dunno, what movie do you want to see?”
“Planet of the Apes.”
“Yeah, I want to see that too.”
Then minutes later I find myself in a dark theater looking at a bunch of damn dirty apeswhen what I really wanted to see all along was “The Help”. How could I have forgotten that? Letting someone else take charge doesn't always work out well. Its not like I am usually at a loss for opinion – its just that sporadically and for no apparent reason I blank out and just do what I’m told.
It is as if at these moments someone is working Jedi powers over me.
“Let me see your identification.”
“You don’t need to see his identification.”
“We don’t need to see his identification.”
“These aren’t the ‘droids your looking for.”
“These aren’t the droids we’re looking for.”
“He can go about his business".”
“Go about your business.”
“Move along, move along.”
“Move along, move along.”
It would be nice if everyone who decides to exercise Jedi/Svengali-like powers over me was as good at understanding me needs as David Lebovitz is. When I give it up to him he always suggests something that is worthwhile and the kind of thing I would feel strongly -- that is, I would feel strongly about it if I knew of it in the first place.
His suggestions for me are always spot on. This means I can trust him.
I had just finished making his Toasted Coconut Ice Cream and was licking the dasher clean when:
“You don’t want to eat that by itself.”
“I don’t want to eat this by itself.”
“I suggest you swirl it with Mango Sorbet.”
“I know, I’m going to swirl this with Mango Sorbet!”
And before you know it I once again had the ice cream maker out and, just as David suggests in his book and features with a delicious photograph, I was swirling Mango Sorbet into my Toasted Coconut Ice Cream.
It was sublime!
So you can see why I have a hard time believing David would have preferred to go see “Planet of the Apes” over “The Help”.
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